Prospeo Case Study - Get similar SEO results for your website

Explore the Prospeo case study to see how targeted SEO strategies can elevate your website's performance.

Skyrocketing Prospeo's Traffic
And Domain Rating Through Strategic SEO

Project Timeline


Prospeo, a cutting-edge email-finding tool designed for sales and marketing professionals, faced challenges in gaining online visibility and attracting its target audience. With an initial traffic of just 15 visitors and a Domain Rating (DR) of 2, Prospeo needed a robust strategy to improve its online presence and attract more users.


Low organic traffic hindering brand visibility. A weak backlink profile affects search engine rankings. Underutilised potential in organic keyword targeting.


Our approach centred around enhancing Prospeo's organic reach and authority through strategic SEO and link-building efforts. Key components of our strategy included.

High-Quality Backlink Acquisition

Focused on securing 56+ high-authority links from websites with an average DR of 64 to boost Prospeo's domain authority and search rankings.


Over 8 months, we implemented a targeted link-building campaign, leveraging relationships with high-DR websites across relevant industries. This approach enhanced Prospeo's backlink profile and overall SEO performance, leading to significant gains in organic traffic and domain rating.

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